Community Links with Our School
We have many links with our local community that add to the life of our school on regular basis.
St Mary's Church
We regularly welcome visitors from St Mary's church into the school. We have an 'Open the Book' Assembly every Thursday that the children really enjoy. The assembly in very interactive and based on a Bible story and the children get involved by dressing up and various characters and with shared responses to the story.
We also visit St Mary's as a part of the RE curriculum so that children can see how baptisms work or what Rev Wise does every day or what a church looks like. We also visit for services throughout the year including a Christingle/Carol service, Easter service and year 2 leavers. This also gives the children the opportunity to be in a church setting for some reflection time.
Anchor Care Home
We have links with our local care home where the children visit and share songs and stories with the residents. The residents also visit the school for a Senior Citizens lunch with the children.
Stoke Park Junior School
At the end of Year 2 most of our children transfer to Stoke Park Junior School. Across the course of the year the children have many opportunities to visit the Junior School to get to know the staff and building. The Junior staff also visit the Year 2 children in their current setting where they are confident and familiar. This means that when the children begin Year 3 in the September, they are confident about the routines and expectations and settle in very quickly.
See the website link below for more information about the Junior School.