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Infant School

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It is our intent at Stoke Park Infant School to teach the children the fundamental movements that will underpin the foundation of a variety of sports. We aim to provide high quality PE lessons in which the children are able to develop physical stamina, as well as their physical skills, including core stability. We want to encourage a love of physical activity, while encouraging our Ranger Rules and our Ranger Skills. This enables all children to be engaged and achieve in every lesson, giving them the opportunities to be a Challenge SpiderCo-Operative Ant and a 

Busy Bee

1st February 2024


In February, we were very excited to invite Luke Delahunty and Nerys Pearce to our school. The children had a fantastic afternoon! They completed the circuit exercises and cheered each other on. What a great experience!

PE Curriculum Intent and Progression of Skills

PE at Stoke Park Infant School, provides a progressive curriculum which enables children to develop their physical literacy, as well as develop their emotional and thinking skills. Our curriculum covers the current Statutory Orders of the National Curriculum as well as taking into account individual interests and needs.


In order for the children to receive high quality lessons, where learning builds upon prior knowledge and skills, children in Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) are timetabled for 2, 1 hour sessions. In Foundation Stage (Year R), children receive daily access to activities indoors and outdoors that build upon their fine and gross motor development as well as a one hour PE lesson each week.


To enable us to ensure children learn and develop skills over time, we use a scheme of work called 'RealPE' by Create Development.


'RealPE' is a unique, child-centred approach that transforms how we teach PE to engage and challenge EVERY child at Stoke Park Infant School. It provides fun and simple to follow Schemes of Work and supports our Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 practitioners, giving them the confidence and skills to deliver high quality PE. It is fully aligned to the Foundation Stage Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum. It focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning. It places the learner at the heart of what we do with the ultimate goal of children feeling valued, included, challenged and supported in their learning.


The 'Real PE'  scheme is used throughout the school. We are currently using 'Real Gym' and 'Real Dance' to compliment our use of 'Real PE'


More information about this scheme can be found at:

