Reading at home
We ask every child to read at least four times a week at home with an adult, and each time they do so they can get a tick in their reading diary. We will then check a group of reading diaries each day.
The children select a book from the coloured book band boxes to then practise these skills at home. They will also choose a library book to either share with you or to read independently. In addition to this, we will also be uploading phonetically decodable books to your child's Bug Club account - Please see your child's personalised book mark which has their username and password on.
As children begin to become more confident and fluent readers they will become less reliant on using phonics as their main strategy to work out unfamiliar words. There will now be many words that they can now read ‘by sight’. In year 2 we move towards reading with accuracy and fluency. There is a list of year 1 and year 2 common exception words that your child needs to learn to read. You can find these lists online or ask for a copy.
It is also important that children can answer questions and make simple inferences about what they have read. You can develop these skills by asking questions such as:
What did the character do that shows you he was scared/
Why do you think the character acted in the way that they
did? It goes without saying that we want the children to love
reading and that it should be an enjoyable experience. Please
continue to read to your child as well. No one is ever too old for
a bedtime story!