Our School Improvement plan is the main driver towards school improvement and its implementation is monitored by school governors. School improvement planning is a continuous process, consequently, this school improvement plan may alter over the year, as evaluations and reviews take place. Through a constant process of school self evaluation and reflection we identify key areas for the year.
This year are foci are:
Key Action 1
To refine and enhance our provision around inclusion and diversity; working with the county as part of the Winchester and Eastleigh Inclusion and Diversity Partnership
Key Action 2
To ensure that everyone in our setting has a good knowledge of the needs of children and young people who have experienced adversity and of the strategies and resources that are available to meet such needs; through achieving the 'Bronze' level for 'The Attachment and Trauma Sensitive School Award
Key Action 3
To enhance and further embed Philosophy for Children and achieve the Silver Award from SAPERE to acknowledge this.