Science at Stoke Park Infant School...
In Early Years, science is delivered as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years 2021.The main strand of learning in the early years comes under Understanding the World (the natural world). This is supported by the non-statutory guidance within Development Matters which provides guidance about how children develop from birth to reception age.
In KS1, at our school, children begin learning the KS1 science National Curriculum. The curriculum is split into different areas of learning: Plants, Animals including humans, Living Things and their Habitats, Materials, Forces and Seasonal Changes. These areas are taught as a spiral curriculum over the course of Year 1 and Year 2 and children build on prior knowledge and understanding.
By the time the children leave our school, they would have developed a secure foundation of science knowledge and can work scientifically in a range of contexts, so that they are ready to build on this understanding in KS2.
Teachers identify the core scientific knowledge and plan an effective sequence of learning. Across the school, teachers use prior learning and understanding to build on and explicitly teach new knowledge in line with our progression of skills and the National Curriculum. Through carefully planned hands-on-experiences, children are able to apply their new knowledge and demonstrate their understanding.
KS1 classes takes part in a Longitudinal Study, to embed what is taught and to help children see changes through the seasons and temperature. For Year 1, this is carried out during their timetabled Forest School session. Year 2 participate in their Longitudinal Study as part of their weekly Science lessons.
Teachers identify potential risks during science sessions using the HIAS safety cards and CLEAPSS guidance (see our safety policies). Children begin to self-assess risks so they can approach their learning carefully and safely.
We encourage children to find their own answers and pose their own questions when doing investigations. They are given regular opportunities to work scientifically; planning experiments, making observations, using scientific equipment, performing simple tests and drawing their own conclusions.
At Stoke Park Infants we assess the children’s progress in a range of ways to ensure the children have the best chance of demonstrating what they know and understand. The children are assessed informally throughout the year against our school’s science curriculum, as well as capturing informal observations of their: discussions with adults, discussions of ideas with their peers, how they approach a problem practically using what they know and evidence recorded in their science books. Children can show their understanding through written work, practical work (seen in photos and annotated by staff) and verbal ideas. EYFS assess children’s understanding by observing and interacting with the children. Our learning journeys are captured by recording examples of work, photos, quotations and annotations in a Science Floor Book, which helps support children retrieve information and explain what they have learnt.