Computing at Stoke Park Infant School
At Stoke Park Infant School we endeavour to provide a high-quality computing education which equips pupils to use 'computational thinking' and creativity to understand and the importance and place for computing in the world in which we all live. We also hope to ensure that pupils become digitally literate; that they are able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through information, communication technology. Computing is as a practical subject, in which invention and resourcefulness are encouraged.
In Year R, computing is planned and taught through adult directed teaching as well as it being part of the enhanced and continuous provision. All children are encouraged to select and use technology for particular purposes. They have access to iPads and BeeBots at all times. All children learn how to use an iPad and how to log on to Purple Mash and access programs. They are encouraged to use the iPads effectively and for a clear purpose, for example using the timer or taking photographs. They learn to give clear instructions to each other orally before tinkering with the Bee-bots and beginning to program simple algorithms. The children will recognise that technology is used in school and at home through discussions and when they go on technology spotting walks.
In Key Stage One, each class has regular computing sessions to practice their computing skills using laptops or iPads and to enhance the learning across the curriculum and to gain an understanding of computational systems of all kinds, whether or not they include computers. Each class/year group also has a range of additional computing equipment to aid learning and complement teaching styles, such as Interactive Whiteboards and BeeBots.
The computing curriculum for Key Stage One encompasses; Computer Science, IT and Digital Literacy.
As part of Computer Science, all children are equipped with specific problem solving and evaluative skills required to sequence instructions to generate an outcome. They will be using different programming languages to input their instructions and debug electronic devices and software. Children will develop an in depth knowledge and understanding of how computers and computer networks work and how information is distributed and viewed via the Internet.
IT is the understanding how the computer works, and how to maintain work on computers- file and folder structure and naming files appropriately. It also encourages children to troubleshoot problems with the computer and understand wider issues about the impact of using computers in our society.
Digital Literacy concentrates on the children having the skills, knowledge and understanding to use ICT as a tool for learning. These skills are embedded in all areas of the National Curriculum enriching, and inspiring them to produce work beyond that of published media.
If you wish to find out more about your child's learning in this subject, please click on the links above to view the computing intent, progression of skills and coverage.
Purple Mash
We use Purple Mash throughout the school to support children's computing skills. All children have their own log in cards for Purple Mash, which can also be used at home. Teachers can set homework, which can also be monitored. It records children's first attempt but then children can play again and again.
Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders are ambassadors for E-Safety throughout the school, promoting the safe use of technology and to help both teachers and their peers in class with any IT related issues. This group of children have demonstrated that they are; helpful, good at speaking and listening, honest, respectful, resilient, enthusiastic and patient.
Staying safe online
We live in a world where technology is key in every area of our lives. It is vital to teach our children how to use technology safely and therefore is it interwoven into all aspects of Computing. Children are taught how to keep safe online and the steps to take if any worries or problems arise.
Don't be afraid of talking about e-safety at home too! If you would like any further advice or information, please look on our whole school story on Class Dojo, look out for our online safety newsletters which are sent out regularly or feel free to contact us at school. The websites below are available to help you. These websites may contain games and videos which your child can watch to teach them about staying safe online. They are recommended for watching together and creating a talking point, therefore we would recommend you watch anything first before watching it together.