Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)
At Stoke Park Infant School, we place a high importance on personal development and nurturing all children.
PSHE is taught as part of our weekly curriculum and covers a variety of topics linked to health, relationships, personal and social skills as well as addressing specific issues for a class. This also covers E-Safety to ensure our children know how to safeguard themselves when using computing and devices. This also links in with our School Values which are our RANGER skills and Ranger rules. Our intent is to teach children to recognise, understand and know how to deal with feelings, issues and situations they may face as part of growing up and to prepare them to be responsible, caring and healthy members of society in their adult life. We follow the programme of study as set out by the PSHE Association in KS1 and the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum in Year R. We place a strong emphasis on fostering characteristics for effective learning throughout the school. In Year R we capitalise upon opportunities for: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically. These characteristics link strongly to our whole school ethos and values, with our Ranger skills promoted throughout all year groups: Resilient Ant, Adaptable Spider, Naturally Curious Bear, Giggly Mouse, Enthusiastic Otter and Resourceful Beaver. By nurturing these characteristics of effective learning at Stoke Park Infant School, we aim to enable children to form attitudes to learning that will last a lifetime. Relationships Education (Sex education – in a later key stage) forms part of our PSHE curriculum. As part of the primary RSE curriculum the children will be taught about the following: Families and people who care for me, caring friendships, respectful relationships, online relationships, being safe, mental wellbeing, internet safety and harms, physical health and fitness, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, health and prevention and basic first aid. The children will be taught about the RSE areas above and about other aspects of PSHE following a programme of study outlined by the PSHE Association and covering DfE statutory requirements for RSE and HE.