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National Curriculum Assessment

National Assessments in Schools


At the beginning of the Foundation Stage all children complete a baseline and these results are submitted, they will then be compared to your child's end of Key Stage 2 results (end of Year 6) to see what value added your child has achieved throughout their primary learning journey.


In Year 1 all children take part in the national phonics screening test.  Children are given 40 words to read that can be read using and applying their phonic knowledge learned in Early Years and Year 1.  There are 20 real words and 20 non words that the children will try to decode.  To achieve the expected standard at the end of Year 1 children will need to correctly read at least 32 words.  If a child does not achieve the expected standard at the end of Year 1, then they will re-take the test at the end of Year 2.  


At the end of Year 2 the children have reached the end of Key Stage 1 which is the learning from Year 1 and Year 2 combined.  Year 2 children are assessed against key standards in reading, writing and maths to see if they have met the expected standards for their year group.  Children can achieve Greater Depth standard, which is higher, the Expected standard or they may fall below the expected standard for their year group.  


