In a fully inclusive setting it is important that all children have the opportunity to take part in all school activities and that the children's contributions are valued and their achievements recognised. The partnership between the Resourced Provision and Stoke Park Infant and Junior Schools is continuously developing in order to meet the children's very specific needs.
Children are supported within their classrooms, benefitting from the additional support and scaffolding that they receive from the Resourced Provision.
We use a graduated scaffolding approach which is well illustrated in the graphics above. Resourced Provision is about ensuring that our children with RP placements have the right scaffolding in place to enable them to be fully included as a member of our school community; to feel that they have a 'voice' and to know that their voice is heard. We call it scaffolding rather than support as the overall aim is always to enable children to develop their independence as far as is possible. When they have secured a step independently we can take that bit of scaffolding away!
Wherever possible, we integrate work towards helping children reduce their barriers to learning within the classroom environment. We use a bespoke approach to target specific areas and have a range of strategies we may use in addition to 1:1 therapy work. We have expertise in a wide range of strategies to help build children's speech and language skills including: Blank levels; teaching vocabulary; shape-coding; cued articulation; Signing (Signed Supported English/Makaton); Brick modelling approaches; Therapeutic Story Writing.
We work alongside a wide range of external professionals to ensure that we are providing the best possible provision for our children with RP placements. These include: NHS Speech and Language Therapists; Physiotherapists; Occupational Therapists; Educational Psychologists